The Next 3 Years for the Regional Council

ORC and Election

In the next 3 years, ORC’s work includes:

  • Setting critical policies and rules to protect Otago’s water, land and air.
  • Monitoring the environment – collecting data and knowledge to inform decision-making.
  • Responding to environmental incidents.
  • Taking the lead in pest management.
  • Minimising risks from natural hazards such as erosion and flooding.
  • Promoting, encouraging and regulating behaviour on waterways through the Harbourmaster role.
  • Civil Defence Emergency Management.
  • Providing public transport in Dunedin and Queenstown (Orbus).
  • Supporting community groups for environmental enhancement,
  • Taking the lead responding to big Otago issues, such as climate change, loss of biodiversity and urban development.

The 2022-2025 triennium will also see the release of the Government’s Future for Local Government Reform report, and more Resource Management Act reform.

[All the above is directly from the Otago Regional Council Pre-Election Report 2022 page 3.]

(‘triennium’ is code for ‘term of the next Council’ i.e. ‘next three years’.)

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Heather Grimwood
Heather Grimwood
2 years ago

when concerned about fire hazard of adjacent broom gorse blackberry long grass, I could not find anything in ORC pest control statements other than re animal pests. Plant pests are equally important.
I assure you that I spent much time searching, and if such a policy exists, it should be readily available.

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